The November edition of digitalDrummer is now available – FREE and just one click away!
And as always – you will find Zourman Drums advertising and supporting this great magazine!
On page 57 you will find an article about how to 3D print your own drums by Allan Leibowitz/dD – where I got the chance to add some “expert” advises about 3D printing! 🙂
New product for 2box users
You will now find a new product for 2box in the Zourman Drums Store – the 32GB memory mod kit – originally initiated and sold by the late and great Jman – but now released in my own way to do things – by sourcing approved and working SD-Cards directly from 2box and adding the SD extension cable in a complete package. Just perfect for DrumIt Five (MKI) and DrumIt Three. (Some DIY Skills needed…still…)

Have you checked the updated 2box samples?
In release 2 (from Feb/March 2020) of the Zourman Drums snare samples with 1922s Ludwig Black Beauty and Swedish 101Drums snares we included all our 2box knowledge (From the work with the sounds in MKII) in terms of mixing, cutting, levels, optimized silence and created 4 different acoustic treatments of the snare sounds – from dry, normal, effect to wet.
These package all includes 3 zones: head, rim and rimshot. For the updated samples, have a look at zourman.com
Previous buyers can logon to the account page and download V2 for free.
Best regards and stay safe behind the e-drums!
Anders / Zourman Drums