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November edition of digitalDrummer Magazine is out!

The November edition of DigitalDrummer is now out and available – FREE and just one click away!

And as always – you will find Zourman Drums advertising and supporting this great magazine!

As the end of the year approaches, we encourage you to reflect on the new products that have been launched and vote in the Readers’ Choice Award nominees. Please take a few minutes to cast your vote here.

Best regards

Anders / Zourman Drums

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Cymbal Sampes for 2box

Hi all!

I recently upgraded my home studio setup with some new equipment and was doing some tests…but I ended up with sampling some nice cymbals. (I have the whole range in the Paste PST7 series – about 9 cymbals – all have not been launched yet!)

I first made a recording of a 14″ Thin Crash in the PST7 Series with 3 zones (bow, edge and bell), 74-80 layers each, about 235 layers in total creating a 126MB file. Then I continued with a 10″ splash, 18″ China and a 20″ Ride. (more will follow) I was using all my old knowledge of creating and editing sounds for 2box and the result can be found here if anybody is interested. 

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

It has been a fantastic year for Zourman Drums!
With great customer interest, sales and feedback in our hi-hat modules, ride modules and samples which made our year to a great success!

We will continue to push for new exciting e-drum solutions in 2023!
Stay tuned!
Wishing you all customers, partners and music friends – a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year and some free time behind the drums!

Best Regards

Anders /

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New edition of digitalDrummer Magazine is out!

The 50th edition (since the start) of digitalDrummer is now out and available – FREE and just one click away!

And as always – you will find Zourman Drums advertising and supporting this great magazine! And I was even mentioned by the editor Allan Leibowitz in the pre-word among the real industry icons in the e-drum business – I am guessing these kind words encourage me to continue and create even greater e-drum solutions!

Nice to read about Ralf Schumacher, a fantastic e-drummer which always amazes and helps drum-tec with great product videos.

Some product highlights from Zourman Drums:

The conversion cable for Roland & ATV’s 3 zone e-cymbals with dual outputs for bow/edge + bow/bell (like CY-12CR, CY-13R, CY-15R and most ATV Cymbals like aD-C18) to drum modules that can receive 3 zone signal on a single TRS input (Yamaha style) – modules as Yamaha, Pearl Mimic Pro, MegaDrum and eDrumin.

A video with Luke at e-drum workshop shows the 3 zone conversion cable.

A link to the product:

Best regards and stay safe behind the e-drums!

Anders / Zourman Drums

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Sometimes you get amazed!

About three years ago I made some research and found a way to convert a 3 Zone Roland cymbal to Yamaha 3 zone style. Nothing advanced – but it works extremely well. The feature which the cable adds is that you are able to use one input instead of two inputs for handling 3 zones. This is extremely useful when dealing with modules like Mimic Pro, eDrumin or if you just want to use a Roland cymbal with a Yamaha module.

The conversion cable for Roland & ATV’s 3 zone e-cymbals with dual outputs for bow/edge + bow/bell (like CY-12CR, CY-13R, CY-15R and most ATV Cymbals like aD-C18) to drum modules that can receive 3 zone signal on a single TRS input.

As said, the cable works with drum modules like Yamaha, Pearl Mimic Pro, MegaDrum and eDrumin which supports Yamaha 3 zone input connections thru one stereo cable – TRS.

A link to the product:

Anyhow, some weeks ago, one of my customers, Luke at The edrum Workshop made a video review about this cable. (Hey…a video about a cable!!!) – and we need of course highlight this at Zourman Drums and send our best thanks to Luke!

The eDrum Workshops review of the 3 zone ride conversion

Finally, I just want to take the opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Best regards

Anders /