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New edition of digitalDrummer Magazine is out!

The February 2021 edition of digitalDrummer is now available – FREE and just one click away!

And as always – you will find Zourman Drums advertising and supporting this great magazine!

32 GB CardMod for 2box users

You will now find a new product for 2box in the Zourman Drums Store – the 32GB memory mod kit – originally initiated and sold by the late and great Jman – but now released in my own way to do things – by sourcing approved and working SD-Cards directly from 2box and adding the SD extension cable in a complete package. Just perfect for DrumIt Five (MKI) and DrumIt Three. (Some DIY Skills needed…still…)

32GB SD Card Mod

Best regards and stay safe behind the e-drums!

Anders / Zourman Drums

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