15% off everything! No limit. Use the code as many times as you like. Share the code with friends and colleagues! Act fast! The code expires Monday, November 27, 2023!
15% off everything! No limit. Use the code as many times as you like. Share the code with friends and colleagues! Act fast! The code expires Monday, November 27, 2023.
About three years ago I made some research and found a way to convert a 3 Zone Roland cymbal to Yamaha 3 zone style. Nothing advanced – but it works extremely well. The feature which the cable adds is that you are able to use one input instead of two inputs for handling 3 zones. This is extremely useful when dealing with modules like Mimic Pro, eDrumin or if you just want to use a Roland cymbal with a Yamaha module.
The conversion cable for Roland & ATV’s 3 zone e-cymbals with dual outputs for bow/edge + bow/bell (like CY-12CR, CY-13R, CY-15R and most ATV Cymbals like aD-C18) to drum modules that can receive 3 zone signal on a single TRS input.
As said, the cable works with drum modules like Yamaha, Pearl Mimic Pro, MegaDrum and eDrumin which supports Yamaha 3 zone input connections thru one stereo cable – TRS.
Anyhow, some weeks ago, one of my customers, Luke at The edrum Workshopmade a video review about this cable. (Hey…a video about a cable!!!) – and we need of course highlight this at Zourman Drums and send our best thanks to Luke!
The eDrum Workshops review of the 3 zone ride conversion
Finally, I just want to take the opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas!
The November 2021 edition of digitalDrummer is now out and available – FREE and just one click away!
And as always – you will find Zourman Drums advertising and supporting this great magazine!
Some product news from Zourman Drums!
64 GB CardMod for 2box modules
We have been able to source a 64GB SD Card which both works fantastic with all DrumIt modules – something which have been confirmed by customers. The amount of kits which you can store on the card feels unlimited! The secret behind the success, is first to find a working SD Card (could be tricky) and second is to prepare it with the special knowledge on how to partition and formatting the card for use with 64GB. The SD card can be bought as standalone or in a card mod package with a 21 cm SD extension cable. All cards have gone through extensive testing before shipping. Link to the store and more information.
2box samples from Zourman!
The release 2 (from March 2020) the Zourman Drums snare samples with a 1922s Ludwig Black Beauty and Swedish 101Drums snares are still selling well for customers looking for something extra for their snare sound! In these releases we included all our 2box knowledge (From the work with the sounds found in the DrumIt Five MKII build) in terms of mixing, cutting, levels, optimized silence and created 4 different acoustic treatments of the snare sounds – from dry, normal, effect to wet.
These package all includes 3 zones: head, rim and rimshot. For the updated samples, have a look at zourman.com Previous buyers can logon to the account page and download V2 for free.
Some 2box knowledge with Lustark Drumit Manager and Dsound Manager
I have compiled together a couple of videos with tutorials about the basics how to import/export 2box settings and sound banks from an old Drumit Five build to a new and fresh downloaded build (for Three or MKII) from 2box.se.
Another tool which is included in the DrumIt Manager is the Dsound Manager – a great tool for manipulating 2box sounds and settings.
One of the functions found in Dsound Manager is the ability to set the volume per zone on existing dsnd files! A fantastic function! See this video about how this feature works!
The 10th anniversary edition of digitalDrummer is now available – FREE and just one click away!
We want from Zourman Drums congratulate digitalDrummer Magazine on the TEN YEARS! A decade of pure joy! And as always – you will find Zourman Drums advertising!
And please, don’t forget to checkout our Conversion modules for 2box and our latest 2box snare sample from the fantastic 101Drums! –
With great customer interest, sales and feedback in our hi-hat modules, ride modules and samples which made our year to a great success!
And what a year!
Launch of a 3 zones ride conversion module for 2box Drumit Five. (January 2018}
A great review of the 3 zone ride conversion module for DrumIt Five in digitalDrummer – March month edition. Even ATV’s 18″ Ride seems to work fantastic!
Beta tester of 2box 1.32 firmware for DrumIt Five
Launched a conversion module for ddrum 4se and Roland VH-11 (March 2018)
Created & authorized a 3 zone snare sample for 2Box DrumIt Three factory library, a special version of the 1920s Black Beauty snare. Found as ZD BB Dow Dry RSC.dsdn in the “Three”.
New conversion module supporting ATV’s Hi-hat for DrumIt Five & Three (May 2018)
Launched a training video for 2box Drumit Three & Roland VH-11. (July 2018)
Hosted digitalDrummer Magazines / Allan Leibowitz visit to Sweden were meetings with 2box, XLN Audio & Big Jambo Studios and some other companies (June 2018 – article in the august edition of digitalDrummer) – A great memory & milestone of some fantastic summer days in the heart of e-drum Sweden!
Martin Carlén & Lars Erlandsson at XLN Audio, Allan at digitalDrummer and Anders at Zourman Drums.
Allan at digitalDrummer, Anders (Zourman) and Bengt Lilja at 2box
Launched Zourman/digitalDrummer designed e-stickz (Dec-2018)
We will continue to push for new exciting e-drum solutions and samples- so the list with news for 2019 will hopefully be even longer than 2018! 🙂
Wishing you all (customers, partners and music friends) a merry Christmas, a happy New Year and some free time behind the drums!